When I was 15, I would listen to the preaching of the Gospel
and feel guilt, fear God and dread Hell. The Preacher made it all very
clear. I understood enough to know that I wanted to spend eternity in
Heaven, not Hell. I knew that the only One Who could forgive me and secure
my entry there was Jesus Christ, the Crucified One. It was with great
relief and thankfulness that I turned to Him, confessed my sins and believed
His promise to forgive, have mercy and save. On the night of my baptism,
when I publicly affirmed my belief in Jesus Christ as my Savior, I was
flooded with a feeling of peace that I had never experienced before. My
feeling of guilt was gone. I knew that I was forgiven. Eternity in Heaven
with Christ became the promise of my future. I was then amazed to realize
that until then, I was invited to enter a day to day, personal and
spiritual relationship with Him. Now, 52 years later, I can say: "....I know
Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day".
(2 Timothy 1:12) I know He loves me and I love Him and worship Him. He
listens to me when I talk to Him. I wait upon Him and read His Word. He sits
at the right hand of God the Father, interceding for me. It is glorious to
read about His life when He walked on the Earth, nearly 2,000 years ago. I
know He will return soon to rule and reign as King and Lord of the whole
Earth, then there will be Justice, Righteousness, Purity and Love. Praise
God!! Amen!! Hallelujah!